

HC Automotive Electronics Network HF Tent Welding Machine



HC Automotive Electronics Network HF Tent Welding Machine

Car Hang Jian: Thank you. We have five major advantages, the first model of our company is now one hundred variety, there are five general-purpose machine, this is the first advantage. Second, we introduced a 71, that is, the failure rates no more than 7%, if it is over 7%, send a machine to the customer. The third advantage is that every month, our company will launch 5-8 models the speed of the new car models. The fourth advantage, we rely on word of mouth within the line, in recent years to rely on word of mouth within the line passed each other. The fifth advantage of our stability and reliability of the original car machine design, this design is to increase the car itself in the course of stability, this design is unique, reliability and other users is very convenience.

HC Automotive Electronics Network HF Tent Welding Machine: Mr Liu described from five aspects of the car revolves brand, brand, Main product: car dvr failure rates, stability, services, etc., the car to Xingjian this brand penetration of the action of terminal owners have what Market promotion and dissemination of what action

Car Hang Jian: 2011 ad spending almost two million this year, there will be greater investment in the promotion of the brand is the image of the media, networking, exhibition, outdoor billboards, terminal line shop will increase investment this year .

HC Auto Electronics: Thank you, Mr. Liu to guest in our studio, thank you for your attention, thank you.

The great social and economic changes due to the introduction of machine and power tools and large-scale industrial production began in 1760. Through the first 70 years of this century, the US was the industrial giant of the world. In 1960 the words "Made in Japan" was thought to be a joke. By 1980, those same words had become the standard for manufacturing. In 1985, U.S. manufacturing was in a deep depression. Products were too costly, of poor quality and not innovative enough.

America’s No. 1 standing is primarily due to the manufacturing revolution that has been under way since 1985. This quiet revolution is built on the unsurpassed innovative spirit of the American people. Innovation is one of the qualities upon which America is founded. American manufactures are the world’s leading innovators. The right combination of technology and people is a good foundation for any company. These technologies are leading to a major new phenomenon: mass customization, which is the ability to customize products literally in quantities as small as one, while producing them at mass-production speeds. Mass customization in the Information Age is replacing the mass-production model of the Industrial Age.

The ultimate outcome will be simultaneous manufacturing. Here, even as the customer is giving the order, the product starts to be manufactured. It may seem like a fairy tale, but the time is fast approaching when a customer will stand at a retailers fitting room, download their personal measurements into a computer, choose the pattern and variety of material wanted for their clothing and before they leave the outlet their order is in production. Now that’s a truly empowered customer!




No Name Ninja
